The bounties of nature never seem to amaze us as and when it reveals it surprises we are often hypnotized by them. Out of the countless fantasies from nature, colored lakes of Kelimutu will surely sway your senses. Located in the craters at the summit of Kelimutu Volcano, these lakes are undoubtedly the most fabulous sites of Indonesia. Surprisingly, these lakes change their shades periodically and hence are referred to as the colored lakes.
The three lakes namely, Tiwu Ata Mbupu, Tiwu Ata Polo and Tiwu Nuva Muri Koo Fai, are known for their characteristic of changing colors after a certain period of time. A few years back, the colors of the lakes were blue, black and maroon, whereas, back in 1960s, these lakes were of blue, café and red-brown colors. Tiwu Ata Mbupu is the westernmost of the three, whereas the other two lakes share a crater wall between them. Situated in the central Flores Island in Indonesia, these lakes see a huge influx of tourists from different parts of the world. Geologists asserted that the changing hue of these lakes is largely attributed to dissolving minerals, which is generally stimulated in the rainy season.
Tiwu Ata Mbupu, or “the lake of old people”, is the westernmost lake and it is usually blue in color. The lake is in a pit crater, which itself is located in a huge central crater. Large boulders regularly drop into the lake, and the continuous landslide result in forming steep shores around it. Its shoreline consists of a layer of red, yellow and orange material. Crystals of Gypsum have been found in the fissures of the crater containing the lake.
Tiwu Ata Polo, or “the enchanted lake”, is located in the south-eastern side of the volcano. The trail of hot water present at the northwest part of the lake points out to the hydrothermal activity or sub aerial fumarolic going inside the lake. Sometimes this convective activity gets enhanced and subsequently a white froth appears on the lake’s surface around the hot water plume. The landslide and rainwater storms drain the rock debris of the volcano summit into the lake, forming steeper slopes around it. This deposition also forms large boulders inside the lake.
Tiwu Nua Moori Koohi Fai, or simply “the lake of young men and maidens”, shares a crater wall with the Tiwu Ata Polo and it is the deepest of the three lakes. Though visible fumarolic activity was reported in the lake earlier, there are no such activities present in the lake anymore. A yellow froth can be observed at its center that is largely attributed to the subaerial activities. The froth is pushed out towards the wall of the crater and a huge amount of this froth is accumulated on the northern wall.
These lakes offer inimitable touring experience to visitors. You will surely get bewitched by seeing the stunning hues of these wonderful lakes encompassed in a scenic landscape. The best time to see these lakes is on full moon night. The sight that one gets to see can enthrall anyone and it makes for an everlasting memory.